
Showing posts from 2021


So she got moxy, and is happy in the skin she is in. She is beautiful and very talented and reminds me of the voice power of other's with similar talent who were overlooked, because they didn't fit the right image...I went thru some of my music archives and pulled up the "Weather Girls", that's still my jam, to me it's the single woman jam looking for straight men raining down from the sky for us. Cheryl Lynn...that octave range...still shut it down, Jennifer Holliday and many others, Amber Riley can sing, J.Hud, all started out more Rubenesque than tall and lanky, got over looked inspite of their talent, suddenly everybody worried about health, diet, bmi, why, Is it because people can't possibly appreciate the sights and sound of a full bodied black woman that can sing, dance and move? Now I'm not shy, and will never tush out and twerk at least in public, but I don't get to sequester those who do, nobody asked me, nobody asked theythemthose,


So, now there is a mad dash for space exploration in depth. Why are you trying to inhabit places that have not invited you? You can't take care of the Earth, which was perfect. Nope, you poison the water, land and air. You pollute stuff, then you get the bright ideal that you should take over the moon or mars? So when you knock off the ecological balance of everything here on earth, and start polluting the planet the rest of us are on, that sounds good. So you can spirit away to richy rich island with your family and the rest of us, melt under the ozone? while we face the repercussions for your sins? How does that work? That doesn't seem right, we have all this space garbage now, that's floating and waiting to land on somebodies land and pollute it. Can we just take a pause for the cause and love the earth, Love this right here? before we go over there? I find it annoying that they them those always trying to find an escape plan, when they created the drama to


Just teach the truth. Stop with stupid books saying Africans came over looking for work. Stop it, just stop it, if your ears and eyes can't hear or see the truth, seek help, now. We were kidnapped, and all the horrific things people make movies about happen to us. That's truth. Stop trying to add other groups into our tragedy. We talk about the horror of the Holocaust, we didn't enslave Jewish people, so if you talk about that right, give us the same. I don't care it makes you feel uncomfortable, it happen, we can discern it wasn't you directly. Be truthful, just talk about real history that happened nobody asked yall thin skinned folk to dwell, but be truthful, it helps with the healing. Every day I learn something new about the History of these United States. Stand in your truth, peel back that bandaid so we can put some healing salve on it.

George Floyd

So a journalist wrote a scathing piece of the life history of George Floyd. It listed out every mistake and poor choice he made during his life. There were many. The journalist then said no he didn’t deserve to die, nor did he deserve a day, an invite to the White House and blah blah blah. I reflected on the words of the journalist and then, there is was glaring up at me. Blindness, you still fail to see that, this poor soul became a martyr due to the fact you refuse to see blue violence for what it is too often. The bullying, the hate of those communities which they feel are under them. Young children have fallen prey while playing with their toys, good citizens, sleeping, sitting, walking, driving, just existing, all while being Black or a person of color, you are continually blinded by your willful ignorance to believe there is a PROBLEM. I read the comments of those in agreement and felt, too many are still blind, you refuse to acknowledge it, even though, your daughte


I, us, didn't ask for a ...DAY. We asked for voting rights!, We ask for reforms, We asked for our narrative to be included in history, we asked for equal. We didn't ask for a day for they, them, those to hi-jack and make a car, or white sale. We ask that Justice for All, include us in the All. We celebrated the day by ourselves, we didn't extend no invitations and say come on board! It was just our thing, but randomly, ooh let's give them a day? It's like dating someone seriously for a while and when the time for committment arrives, you ask for an engagement ring and they give you a necklace.. It's like asking for a banana split with all the toppings and they bring you a fro-yo with granola. Could we once get what we asked for? It's like going to Burger King asking for a Whopper and getting a Big Mac, wassup with that. America do better. And we, us, me know the reason Juneteenth happen, They, them, those, knew people were to be freed, but greed


All of that to keep a life of grandeur by keeping others underfoot. The words, “our slaves”, how does or did that ever sound like the right thing? So growing up as a little black girl in these united states, my mom who hailed from the south talked about growing up, it’s what she didn’t say her or grand that stuck with me. They spoke in hushed tones about that “slavery spirit” of the Ole South. She let me read Gone with the Wind and later watch it and discern the things I needed to understand life as a person of color. Gone with the Wind taught me All I needed to know about the civil war, the ole south, and the feelings of whiteness. When the movie first came to t.v. my mommy and I watched it, as a child I noticed a few things, how happy the plantation owners were, how the only thing their sons and daughters had to do was be pretty and handsome. That every need was taken care of by, you guessed it us. I watched as little black girls like me, were fanning the pale skinned ladies


All this hard work motivating people to vote, to be active, to be a real part of change. We get a decent human and human helpers in, and suddenly they want to be Switzerland. We need to get everybody together, seriously? They, them and those had no problem, cutting down rules like a heavy duty lawnmower. They smashed everything and one in their way. Things need to be done, messes need to be fixed for the greater good of everyone, but nah, yall, you all are too busy trying to be in the middle, to extend the olive branch of togetherness, when clearly they are sowing the seeds of disharmony and disrepsect because they did not get their way. I tire of town hall meetings and empty words that lead on journey's to deadend paths. You have ye Ole Rich man Manchin and the outta touch lady that are acting contrary to the citizens they are supposed to help. You sit idle whilst they wittle away voting rights and do all type if nasty things, but yet you want to be their friend. Sick


All history matters, the good the bad and the really ugly. All this "whitewashing" away the people of the world. We know it was ugly kids are smarter today than we ever ever ever were. They can read about it and inquire. What is truly sad, is that people try to deny it, oh it could not have been that bad? Slavery? really, they had a place to stay, it was just picking cotton, or in the rice fields or in some horrid job you nor your family would do under awful circumstances.. but not that bad. You want books to say Africans came for work and a better life? That would be fine if they volunteered to come, not kidnapped, snatched torn from family, friends and home and bred like cattle. Nope, the lies must stop. In order for us to be better, we must face and deal with the ugly past. Otherwise you don't grow, you stay stagnant trying to figure out another excuse for treating other humans so awful. I need no one to say slavery was a long time ago? So why you still fly


Strange and funny times we are in...something the air so horrid that even a touch for too long a moment could result in disaster. So now that some, SOME people are getting the vaccine and or being super hero careful,some parts of the world are moving forward, but what about romance? I'm thinking who is gonna be out here kissing and smashing all random now? I shudder to think about adult entertainers. Probing questions will really need to go about personal health and responsibility that YOLO group leaves much to be desired. I like life you out here "free facin" thinking they are changing your dna with the shot and it's not real, but you wanna kiss me goodnight? you want to scoot in closer and cuddle and snuggle....ummmm We need to talk. Let us sit safely outside across from one another and figure out what to do and how to proceed. Kissing the long lost art, will it make a comback, it is a great part of romance, not sex, romance. Gotta think about it now, too m

Get Back to Work!

So Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, Dollar General are worth 8.5 BILLION they made over 7 BILLION IN 2020. So now these same stores, are on a whine a thon about not having enough workers? The employees are woefully underpaid. My walkable locations have lost Great people, because they had families to support and that 8.25 to 9.25 per hour pays no rent very few if any actually get 40 hours a week, the work is demanding, so many boxes, so many people to deal with, most don't have a security agent inside. But hey let's make people go back to work with no incentive, I immagine they just can't wait to get back to deal with the rude people of today. These companies open in neighborhoods that are low income, many of them are walkable, so ideally you would have enough worker bees to employ, But this is Pandemic World, things have changed. Rent has gone up, food has gone up, but they still hold firmly to that paltry 8.25 per hour, I'm confused, White Castle is offering 15 per ho

shoot first....

This is nothing new. However in this day of knowledge and higher learning, why is it always shoot first, when it comes to people of color? I can watch video upon video of same kinded people, talk, plead do everything to avoid gun fire, but when it comes to people of color. Shoot first, when they see the "whites of their eyes" shoot. We can't even call police for help, they may shoot the wrong person. I watched an entire riot of white people storm the capital, screaming, beating police who weren't in the "know" with poles, sticks, spraying chemicals and only one was popped, that was because the Secret Service must be non biased and she breached and they weren't playing. I know a good amount of african american policemen, they have years of experience and to my knowledge have good work records, vs. the ones who keep shooting first, If african american policemen were shooting European men, women and children at the rate they shoot us, laws would have


So, I like to watch period pieces, it's like the other side of harlequin historical romance books. I happened upon the series Harlots on HULU, It gave me a view of the darker side in visual. Being a women in what they called the "age of romance" was a myth. Besides having questionable hygene issues, women were often just pawns and objects to be moved and traded about. Any woman who didn't have a husband or a "man" to control her money was just a object. It had to be hard being an actual true blue woman, especially back then, not to mention if you were on the other side of man/woman, add black to it and the plot thickens, those in the UK had to be wary of slave stealers, who would kidnap africans and send them to the america where they got paid -0 to do EVERYTHING. It was so revealing to see under those hot wigs and horrid white makeup, that the good, the bad and the ugly was alive and kicking. Those hot dresses with the smushy bust line, so uncomfort

Selfish and Greedy

Someone asked me why I was concerned about the 15 per hour? They assumed I didn’t make that.. Well you know about assumptions. It’s because people need to live, and thrive, everybody didn’t Finish school or go to college, trade, etc. etc, why? Because of…LIFE, things happen. Since the “demic” everything has gone sideways, people working making 10, 11, 12, per hour facing the Dangers from the “free facers”, working to survive, as they could not stay sheltered in, many had NO, 0, No chance, they had to take the risk to SURVIVE. So many sheltered Shellie’s and Shelton’s relied on these same underpaid people to just be .. Be over Here, over there, doing, serving, cleaning, serving, packing, where is the thank you? All these greedy Politicians making mad loot, can’t even remember what struggle is, they don’t know what the word means. But hey let’s not pay. The richest made all hit astronomical money heights, but hey, let’s not share, let us continue to hoard, be selfish and


SO…I’m officially annoyed. Can we just go back to you like who you like, I like who I like, we Support our people fair and square? Can we leave the MORON and the moronites on MORON Mountain? Equal and Fair, the world is changing, it’s a win win for no one except the super, extra, ultra, have more money than they can count people. You, me, us, guess what? We ain’t none of them, they are not are friends, they don’t want us in their circle. Greed. Division is what they want, you don’t like me, I don’t like you, you think the sky is baby blue, I say eggshell, the crew over their say it’s groovy gray…embrace our differences, it’s what makes us as a collective GREAT! Everybody used to one to be us, but now we don’t know how to act. I feel like we are in a twilight zone episode, better yet, we slid like the show sliders into a parallel world, where stupid was smart and smart was offensive. Where the sun was blocked by a giant orange germy film that sucked love out of the air and repla


Trauma. Growing up in the hood makes you have forms of PTSD for real. The hood, the block, the barrio anywhere That has gun play night after night, shootings, beatings and death looming on the outskirts. Rich folks don’t know about that life. They sit tucked away in guarded gated spots, been out of the storm of real life too long. When people try to remind them of where they started, we often see, they didn’t start from The bottom at all, they have been protected always. Maybe the middle, but too many just started at the top. You can’t see that people who are working and humping need more than the pittance you offer, while The gluttony of your own desires, fills your pockets to the brim, in the midst of a “pox”, You don’t see Where the struggle is really real, you can’t see past your designer duds. You can't stay in the house. Folk like that only see, when they get direct impact. When they can no longer afford their life toys, when trouble and pain pay a visit to your door


Since like most of the universe we are all in or partially in the house, I find I spend more time actually looking and listening to commercials...go figure. So far the Geico ones have me in stitches...the cloggers, the fencing, and of the late the new house with the loud pipes. My next one is the fanduel one with James Harrison...that tackle is everything.. The quick face lift one I find facinating, where are these husbands? is their a program for them to get tightend up as well, I'm just saying, let's all be sexy together. I like fairness in commercials, All these summer eve commercials worrying about my bits, hey "sweaty balls" smell too, where is the man balls wash to keep them smelling fresh as a daisy, why are bits supposed to smell like flowers and fruit, just clean is always fine, soap and water, soap and water, stop worrying about my lady bits and worry about those man parts.


So unless I agree with the loudest, I don't matter. Because I didn't see things your way, now my vote is null and void? That's not how things work. We as a collective have always had differences, and these things were worked out, but now we have gone all out to just lie, cheat and steal. I'm sick of it. What lesson are we teaching the young who are watching us, that if you don't get your way, make up stuff? I need grown ups to act grown and not like whiny toddlers who missed their nap. Many are the things I don't like, Many are the people that truly suck, I got over it, didn't like it, didn't lay on the ground, made sure my vote counted, called a few others, we talked about it, made a decision and done. I need folks to Grow Up.


I am beyond annoyed. I remember the "dangling chad" era, when the light was exstingushed from a should have been winner, who took the L, moved on, told us to embrace the new. Now, in this day right here, right now, these same, samers, yeah I made a word are telling us this time, our votes don't count again, because.....Clearly as people of color, the color that doesn't agree with the tom foolery going on, should not count. Adults who the children are watching, refusing to concede ...YOU LOST, YOUR SIDE DID NOT WIN, THE GREATER NUMBER WON, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! 2016, I voted for the woman, she lost, her fault, her team, I wasn't happy, but I didn't shave my head, put on spikes and go lay in the street..., to be clear, there was outrage, that was because, we knew what was coming and it came, it came in spades... But the fact the "Jim Crow Caucus" has banded together to protest the ...will of the people simply because their side lost, annoys me