
I, us, didn't ask for a ...DAY. We asked for voting rights!, We ask for reforms, We asked for our narrative to be included in history, we asked for equal. We didn't ask for a day for they, them, those to hi-jack and make a car, or white sale. We ask that Justice for All, include us in the All. We celebrated the day by ourselves, we didn't extend no invitations and say come on board! It was just our thing, but randomly, ooh let's give them a day? It's like dating someone seriously for a while and when the time for committment arrives, you ask for an engagement ring and they give you a necklace.. It's like asking for a banana split with all the toppings and they bring you a fro-yo with granola. Could we once get what we asked for? It's like going to Burger King asking for a Whopper and getting a Big Mac, wassup with that. America do better. And we, us, me know the reason Juneteenth happen, They, them, those, knew people were to be freed, but greed and spite didn't allow them to realize their freedom until the army came thru, really people? How is that anything like right.


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