George Floyd

So a journalist wrote a scathing piece of the life history of George Floyd. It listed out every mistake and poor choice he made during his life. There were many. The journalist then said no he didn’t deserve to die, nor did he deserve a day, an invite to the White House and blah blah blah. I reflected on the words of the journalist and then, there is was glaring up at me. Blindness, you still fail to see that, this poor soul became a martyr due to the fact you refuse to see blue violence for what it is too often. The bullying, the hate of those communities which they feel are under them. Young children have fallen prey while playing with their toys, good citizens, sleeping, sitting, walking, driving, just existing, all while being Black or a person of color, you are continually blinded by your willful ignorance to believe there is a PROBLEM. I read the comments of those in agreement and felt, too many are still blind, you refuse to acknowledge it, even though, your daughters and nieces, and even nephews, come at breakneck speed to live in our community, cohabitate and merge. Why? Most of us, not trying to live all up by you, some are forced, because our tax dollars help pay for your kids fancy schools, as dollars are siphoned away from city schools. If we were truly equal the same resources would be at all schools. We could live in our spaces being “black and beautiful”, but nah, you all take from the city, take the land, and try to put us in communities, where our children face a higher suspension, where we are most likely to have extra police encounters, we gotta worry about some of your "hitler youth", not to mention the direlect of your community the "methopiodadones". No, you are truly throwing stones at glass houses. I sure if the killers record was on review, I would suspect he has been beating up folks for years, but skin shade and shady dealings kept him safe. Not even his mom, could express concern for the children who lost their father, he may have been nothing to you, but he was everything to them. In a odd way she has become "that" mom that always goes, "not, my baby" he didn't do that. Instead of working through the things we have been saying about those enforcement encounters, you go find 3 grifters of color but no color and have them defend your archaic and barbaric human violations.They tweet, they yap, they talk in Massa's voice. We don’t care for or about them, they just doing it for the dough, all skin folk not kin folk and truly they are no relation to the majority of us, who have compassion and care for each other. George Floyd is the martyr you made, the one created by those who were minding their business and never made it home due to violent unprovoked enforcement encounters. Blame yourselves, for not doing better. Crime is everywhere, just as I would never assume every white man is a serial killer, rapist or pedophile, as it would be ignorant of me, You cannot assume that every person of color is out to get you, doing the wrong thing, especially when most of us just want to live our lives and be left alone and in our own, OWN, O W N spaces and places. That man, albeit man with a criminal past, did not deserve, this death. That man had no weapon, posed no threat other than, the color of his skin. We all have a past. Now it's time to move to the future and Be Better as a people.


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