All history matters, the good the bad and the really ugly. All this "whitewashing" away the people of the world. We know it was ugly kids are smarter today than we ever ever ever were. They can read about it and inquire. What is truly sad, is that people try to deny it, oh it could not have been that bad? Slavery? really, they had a place to stay, it was just picking cotton, or in the rice fields or in some horrid job you nor your family would do under awful circumstances.. but not that bad. You want books to say Africans came for work and a better life? That would be fine if they volunteered to come, not kidnapped, snatched torn from family, friends and home and bred like cattle. Nope, the lies must stop. In order for us to be better, we must face and deal with the ugly past. Otherwise you don't grow, you stay stagnant trying to figure out another excuse for treating other humans so awful. I need no one to say slavery was a long time ago? So why you still flying that flag, crying over those statues of hate, gushing over the antebullum moments? You know why? HISTORY. I learned about it, all of it. For those who say, go back to Africa, you go back to Europe..duh, stop this nonesense and denial. What makes us different is what gives us strenghth, we must as a collective people realize Liberty, and Justice for All includes People of color to, not just the ones you like, or the ones that agree with you, ALL. Blood is all the same color, if you don't know that by now, get a clue. What makes the red, white and blue true is all of us, not some of us, but all of us, we must embrace our history and stop the rewrite just to make it pretty and to hide the ugly .


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