
So she got moxy, and is happy in the skin she is in. She is beautiful and very talented and reminds me of the voice power of other's with similar talent who were overlooked, because they didn't fit the right image...I went thru some of my music archives and pulled up the "Weather Girls", that's still my jam, to me it's the single woman jam looking for straight men raining down from the sky for us. Cheryl Lynn...that octave range...still shut it down, Jennifer Holliday and many others, Amber Riley can sing, J.Hud, all started out more Rubenesque than tall and lanky, got over looked inspite of their talent, suddenly everybody worried about health, diet, bmi, why, Is it because people can't possibly appreciate the sights and sound of a full bodied black woman that can sing, dance and move? Now I'm not shy, and will never tush out and twerk at least in public, but I don't get to sequester those who do, nobody asked me, nobody asked theythemthose, can you listen to the song please, enjoy a real voice, real talent, not some sound from a box. Who are theythemthose that create all these boxes that we are to fit in. We got fat men entertainers all over, black,brown, white and other, nobody tells them hey, put your shirt on, you got boobies, skinny jeans ain't for you? There is no one available for that, could it be, too much time is being spent worrying about the waist size of my beautiful singin sista's. Got Hip Hop entertainers, putting their 2 cents in, meanwhile they hook up with females made of mystery meat and parts unknown, Nobody worried what you doing, but you feel the need to share your thoughts about these talented sistas.. Can we live, can we have some black folks joy, without yo 2cents, yo penny thoughts? Can ya just put on your mask and stay 6 feet of our happiness. Sing on sista, sing on! meanwhile I shall put on my lisa fischer, Miki Howard, Cheryl Lynn, Martha Walsh, Phyllis Hyman music mania moments.


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