Selfish and Greedy

Someone asked me why I was concerned about the 15 per hour? They assumed I didn’t make that.. Well you know about assumptions. It’s because people need to live, and thrive, everybody didn’t Finish school or go to college, trade, etc. etc, why? Because of…LIFE, things happen. Since the “demic” everything has gone sideways, people working making 10, 11, 12, per hour facing the Dangers from the “free facers”, working to survive, as they could not stay sheltered in, many had NO, 0, No chance, they had to take the risk to SURVIVE. So many sheltered Shellie’s and Shelton’s relied on these same underpaid people to just be .. Be over Here, over there, doing, serving, cleaning, serving, packing, where is the thank you? All these greedy Politicians making mad loot, can’t even remember what struggle is, they don’t know what the word means. But hey let’s not pay. The richest made all hit astronomical money heights, but hey, let’s not share, let us continue to hoard, be selfish and give nothing to those who need it the most. These same, will sit in their lofty positions of wealth and comfort and look down with disdain the Struggles and try to figure out how to take even more from those, so called “essentials” I worked thru the “demic” I watched the fear in the eyes of those that looked like me and those that Were in my age group, the silence, the being careful, suffering through the loss of friends and family, All the while still forging ahead. We coulda used a raise, we coulda used more than signs and singing Chanting. Sharing, caring and empathy, where did we go wrong?


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