I am beyond annoyed. I remember the "dangling chad" era, when the light was exstingushed from a should have been winner, who took the L, moved on, told us to embrace the new. Now, in this day right here, right now, these same, samers, yeah I made a word are telling us this time, our votes don't count again, because.....Clearly as people of color, the color that doesn't agree with the tom foolery going on, should not count. Adults who the children are watching, refusing to concede ...YOU LOST, YOUR SIDE DID NOT WIN, THE GREATER NUMBER WON, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! 2016, I voted for the woman, she lost, her fault, her team, I wasn't happy, but I didn't shave my head, put on spikes and go lay in the street..., to be clear, there was outrage, that was because, we knew what was coming and it came, it came in spades... But the fact the "Jim Crow Caucus" has banded together to protest the ...will of the people simply because their side lost, annoys me to the 10th power, I don't care who you like, we all like and support who we like and support. But when my side lost, I move on, move forward. So should we petition our side of the isle to recount all the sides that they won? should we waste time and dollars to overturn what people who supported them voted for by saying, it's something wrong, because I lost, boo hoo hoo? should we set up donation bins to collect money that needs to help those struggling to survive and put it to use, searching for some nonsensical issue that doesn't exsist. Should we continue to listen to blathering boneheads, say just anything, because they are getting paid to create havoc, whilst many of us are not getting paid at all? I matter, my vote matters, my voice matters, the people have spoken, move along horsey move along...gallop into the sunset and go graze. Go anywhere, except in that white house 2021.


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