I'm going to check into this nursing program, I wanted to be a trucker, but the company I went to gave me the your in then you need a co-signer blues...at 45 come on!, and I did corporate college reimburse before and that school got all their money!@#!$!), well anyhoo, I'm going check out this program, yeah I'm not a big smell person, but I'm not liking the broke feelings of late. I love being able to take care of my and my brood, the alternatives presented too me! ugh! and people thought money for Nubxxx was all gone. Nope the offers still manage to present themselves, what I wanna know is where are they getting the money from, since most of us have none, where is the hidden stash kept. All I know is that I'm planning on getting a new career gig and taking care of me and mine.


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