For the single mom life is a constant motion, it never stops, for the single mom with color any color it's even more stressful, because of culture, climate, etc...I'm tired and want some tlc, I've got 3 kids who are busy karate kids 2 boys and a girl, this is what we do...the oldest the teenager is concentrating on being all he can be with karate. It's a good thing, raising a teen age boy in the hood is not an easy task and we've been through alot, trying to keep positive roll models in the boys life, and be a good roll model for my daughter is hard. My mom moves around the city to pay me back for some past transgression I just know it, she's far east, she's far west, who knows every 2.5 years she picks a new city to move to, but at least she has a man who adores her and is her partner. My funny story today, i paid my water bill and I didn't have the outside line, it wasn't jammed pack with people for the first time in eons...I miss my friend he moved away to the lovely lone star state to seek his fortune and here am I holding down the fort here. Whatya gonna do? The life of the single mommy.


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