
Showing posts from 2015
After spending a relatively quiet long weekend. I spent some reflective time watching meaningful movies and such. I watched "And the Band Played On" once again. I wanted to really look at the gridlock those who fought to treat and cure AIDS had to go through. I grew up in a time where their were bath houses and a YMCA I didn't understand what they were or had become until much later. I found it painful to see those lost in the ego fighting and denial of what was an epidemic. I remember hearing some large and in charge folks saying things that hurt my heart. I thought that a disease was just that a disease and working towards a cure should be everybody goals.., but until it spread out among the straight, the sickly and those with a voice that could not be silenced, the media, those in charge, just ignored, ignored all those people dying and withering away. As a Vogue subscriber and fashionista before the word, I knew every designer and photog, when they started myste


As much as I love the digital age, I also feel it has created some secret bullies..I believe everyone can have an opinion and should be able to speak on it, but does everything have to be so nasty. Every time a crime happens, when I read the comments, It hurts me to see so much hate, when a dream cruise Camaro got stolen and recovered, instead of being happy, some clowns left it alone, I read, oh those people, them people and very derogatory comments can't drive sticks, blah blah blah, who are these idiots, who thinks this, I can drive a stick, been black all my life, I know about a hundred black folks that drive sticks.... perhaps some car thief made a life choice to make that moment their chance to start again on a positive path. The presidential races...omg...some of them are chauvinistic and mean spirited, why can't you just honestly say, hey this is what I'd bring


Confusion. I watched a special on Meth usage, naturally since I have been told that meth is a clean high and burns out of the system vs. marijuana……which stays in the body. My feelings as a non user. Many of the kids who grew up in the 60’s had kids and if they were living that hippie life, some were, they were using and nursing. Now many of those kids are my bosses and etc., etc. and are just peachy king, so other than giving you a metabolism “slow down” , which is not a great thing, I don’t see it as a “deadly thing”. Meth moms, nursing I find frightening, after watching and doing some reading on this horrible drug. It seems to eat away at the dopamine part of the brain and harvesting all the upper feelings, which leaves you in a panic downer…forever, the brain seems to stop making more. The stuff it’s made with…horrors! And more horrors! How can this not be brain damaging and affect a baby. The paranoia and violence that follow this drug.., but it’s okay to nurse? Special cl

15.00 dollars a hour

I have no desire to stop anyone from making a living.....however to ask me to support such a fee, i need London service. I need the English Proper Customer Service. I can't keep getting the wrong order, when my order is soooooo, simple, you can't make my regular cup of coffee right. You never repeat my order back to me, just to make sure I've got all, I seldom get a smile, I like smiles...even tiny ones. No you can't ask for that, but I suspect the real culprit is your management staff, Who trains staff on Customer Service? I worked at a McDonald's in the way back machine..and my owner would pop and stop and watch the front like James Bond. Might I suggest you invest in having some British Chaps come and teach a bit of Customer Service and how to handle the nasty's that come in all with a smile...i'm just saying, you can ask for 15.00, but i'm not feeling it, probably because my coffee was made wrong and I got no smile.
So much has happened and continues to happen. Some days I just want to know where is the love? We as a people seem to have forgotten it. Hate, and all manner of horribleness we do to each other. Where is the Love? Where is the love for those who don't anything as we do? you love and keep it moving. Where is the Love for each other? Adults whine and boo hoo about the what money they are leaving their kids, what superficial gifts after they are gone that child, or children will have...What moral fiber and character are we giving them. You have bad cops rotting away the apple of good cops and law officials. You have my people killing each other. I PRAY, I plead for God to give us direction and guidance. I'm tired of seeing old people on tv, telling this current generation what they need to do, I'm ready to see young people change the direction and make the difference. I like to start my day being thankful for being..and still knowing how to love. I try to show l

Super Sensitive Scary Freaked Out.

It has occurred to me that we are creating a generation of "fraidy" cats. I mean scared parents who give birth to horrified children. At sporting events, I now hear winner and almost winner???? What exactly, is that? that's like a almost job, almost husband, almost successful. It makes no sense. Because you didn't win, does not make the person a loser in life. They just lost that battle, the war is still ongoing, and the goal should be to win the war. I get parents who want a ribbon because there kids participated...what? Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I'm now working with some of these helpless children as young adults and I worry about their ability to thrive, they fall apart, they are sniveling and unable to progress. No, we need to encourage strength, not meaness, determination, we need to boost and help them to be better and let them know you don't win all the time, but you work on the mistakes and do better each time. Could