As much as I love the digital age, I also feel it has created some secret bullies..I believe everyone can have an opinion and should be able to speak on it, but does everything have to be so nasty. Every time a crime happens, when I read the comments, It hurts me to see so much hate, when a dream cruise Camaro got stolen and recovered, instead of being happy, some clowns left it alone, I read, oh those people, them people and very derogatory comments can't drive sticks, blah blah blah, who are these idiots, who thinks this, I can drive a stick, been black all my life, I know about a hundred black folks that drive sticks.... perhaps some car thief made a life choice to make that moment their chance to start again on a positive path. The presidential races...omg...some of them are chauvinistic and mean spirited, why can't you just honestly say, hey this is what I'd bring to the table by working with congress, because we all know or at least should know, that you can bellow on about this, that and the other, but if you can't all work together for the greater good of the my granny used to say.."it's all a show". Next, we all know their are good, bad and ugly in everything and everyone, why must we always give the bad all the glory? All cops are not bad, just as all black people, people of color should not all be painted with the same broad stroke, which usually leads to bigger penalties, horrible treatment and often death. I can talk about it, because I'm black, I matter, nobody is saying other's don't matter, that's what churns my grits, everybody matters, we just like to make sure that the rest of the free world knows and remembers we matter to...ugh the comments, the nasty, it's so troubling. That flag, oh that ole flag, I don't care about the flag..I know what it meant to my southern grown family, and it wasn't nice. The flag should have been off the state and federal buildings long ago, I see it like pirate rule. Let's say I'm a pirate, I take your ship...the first thing coming down is your flag, why? Because I won the battle and took your ship, cut and dry. I don't care if people fly it at their homes and personal places and business..I may want to fly mine the red, black and green, but I can't fly it at the white house, the capital, some things just make no sense to me, people want to argue and fight and create fights where their need not be fights. What about love? What about kindness? What about addressing as a people some real solutions to real problems. Too many mentally ill people of all colors, just like the rainbow, keep getting weapons and devastating lives and family, where is the outcry? we need real solutions, mental illness is real, and so many of them are sitting in a room someplace watching the "violent box" for 8-10 hours then wandering around among us. Does no one see this? Is this not cause for alarm, today it was the black crazy man, last week, the white crazy man, week before that the brown, red, etc., their is a problem and casting blame is not solving anything. I have just reached my limit of hate, i want love, i want sunshine, i want to bask in the knowledge that I've helped someone each day, even if it's with a kind word to make a difference. Like the song "all you need is love" that's what I'm trying to show. They youth are watching us, we are behaving poorly.


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