So much has happened and continues to happen. Some days I just want to know where is the love? We as a people seem to have forgotten it. Hate, and all manner of horribleness we do to each other. Where is the Love? Where is the love for those who don't anything as we do? you love and keep it moving. Where is the Love for each other? Adults whine and boo hoo about the what money they are leaving their kids, what superficial gifts after they are gone that child, or children will have...What moral fiber and character are we giving them. You have bad cops rotting away the apple of good cops and law officials. You have my people killing each other. I PRAY, I plead for God to give us direction and guidance. I'm tired of seeing old people on tv, telling this current generation what they need to do, I'm ready to see young people change the direction and make the difference. I like to start my day being thankful for being..and still knowing how to love. I try to show love everyday in some small way. Where indeed is the love...well mine is still right here in my heart and i'm seriously thinking about starting a hug a thon....just hugs and love.


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