15.00 dollars a hour

I have no desire to stop anyone from making a living.....however to ask me to support such a fee, i need London service. I need the English Proper Customer Service. I can't keep getting the wrong order, when my order is soooooo, simple, you can't make my regular cup of coffee right. You never repeat my order back to me, just to make sure I've got all, I seldom get a smile, I like smiles...even tiny ones. No you can't ask for that, but I suspect the real culprit is your management staff, Who trains staff on Customer Service? I worked at a McDonald's in the way back machine..and my owner would pop and stop and watch the front like James Bond. Might I suggest you invest in having some British Chaps come and teach a bit of Customer Service and how to handle the nasty's that come in all with a smile...i'm just saying, you can ask for 15.00, but i'm not feeling it, probably because my coffee was made wrong and I got no smile.


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