Super Sensitive Scary Freaked Out.

It has occurred to me that we are creating a generation of "fraidy" cats. I mean scared parents who give birth to horrified children. At sporting events, I now hear winner and almost winner???? What exactly, is that? that's like a almost job, almost husband, almost successful. It makes no sense. Because you didn't win, does not make the person a loser in life. They just lost that battle, the war is still ongoing, and the goal should be to win the war. I get parents who want a ribbon because there kids participated...what? Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I'm now working with some of these helpless children as young adults and I worry about their ability to thrive, they fall apart, they are sniveling and unable to progress. No, we need to encourage strength, not meaness, determination, we need to boost and help them to be better and let them know you don't win all the time, but you work on the mistakes and do better each time. Could it be too many parents are living through their children's dreams. I believe sometimes those parents see their chance to make it through their kids, i don't know too much reality tv maybe? But it's not too late. I sing, I longed to replace Lola Falana in Vegas as a young girl. I was a church singing, song writing, music loving youth, teen, adult. One day.. love, marriage and kids, I chose my family, regrets..somedays, but i am happy with my choice. My kids are musical, and creative, I push, I help, but I can't live through them. If I still have that performance bug, there are places I could go and belt a song or two out and live...MY dream, but I can't shove them into their dream, they must chose and find their own direction, in order to be self sufficient. I think alot of the parents need to find their adventure and live it and stop living your life through your child or children. Be free! Be fearless! mostly Be happy.


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