Okay it's official I work at that place where good jobs go to die.......The Call Center! I've come to the conclusion, that they are responsible for a great deal of weight gain!!!OMG, let's have pizza day, fried food day, food day, anything to keep you in that seat for 8 hours yapping on that line. Meanwhile your waist is growing and growing and your metabolism is slowing down to the pace of a snail. The chairs are starting to break with the weight placed upon it everyday, the floor is starting to shake when people walk by, my suggestion let's have treadmills, recumbent bikes? all that phone work is really starting to weigh us down, I'm just saying. Talking to people is a challenge on a good day, but on a bad day, over snacking is what helps in those moments you just want to respond back in kind. Sometimes I stuff veggies in my mouth, but usually the chip is around volunteering to enter the mouths of us who really have to do a personal time out to keep it cool. My job is a non essential service, a cheap one at that, however people use us for IT work when clearly we tell them over and over and over again we don't do that. I just think half of them are lonely and want someone to listen to them, as clearly they don't listen to the words coming out of our mouths. My favorite people are those who call with random questions, "Why does your company do this or that" Really, when do you think I was invited to the meeting? If I ranked that high up, would I really be on the phone on the suck rock shift? I'm just saying. My next irritant is you call about mystery payments being taken, but you don't have the credit card number, you don't know whose name it was in, but money is missing? and since clearly you believe me to be the psychic hotline guru I will know and see all. Now in all fairness I do have some fun days, like when people tell me their names and it's so complicated they can't even spell it correctly on the first try. And the usual perv who calls to talk dirty...really? I only have one response, you owe me 39.95 a minute or get off the phone, I'm working here, you have misdialed. Meanwhile, I'm doing tighten and tucks in my chair and hoping that the person who had the chair before me didn't break the bolts and at any second I will topple over all while smiling and talking on that phone to that ever important customer. Hey it's a gig a fat gig, but a honest gig, ab crunching on 1!


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