Back from the Abyss

< Been gone awhile, working on my life, love and pursuit of happiness, although right now its the pursuit of my financial independence, which would make me happy. It has seemed since 2007 my life has been a chapter from the book "Lemony Snickets" it truly has been a series of unfortunate events. But I'm a woman I'm strong, God loves me and I love him and I press forward. Today I'm thankful I can kiss my kids. I'm saddened by the parents who have lost their children in OK, we as a nation must pray, all this silly backbiting and acting horrible just for the sake of being difficult must stop. Really can't we act civil? I hold those in authority in a higher light, as I see you all the time on tv, in print, everywhere, I tire of explaining to young people why all these grown people act so dreadful, we want our kids to be better and do better than us, how can they when we act so out of control with our lip service. As I settle into my new spot, I've been praying more and working on the journey of me. I was annoyed for a bit and pouting because my love life didn't work out the way I planned, but, plans go awry, I'm over it, I'm enjoying me, my grandbaby visits and my kids. I tell you Life after 40 is more than a notion, I'm working on reclaiming my fitness, too much brooding and couch potato-ness, about to hop on the stepper and keep it moving. I truly love and appreciate some of my close buddies who we try to keep each other focused and up. On a lighter note, If you too have been couch potatoey all winter and before and now see all these little not put them on, go to the gym, walk the block, but do not insert you into tiny clothes, it confuses me I don't understand, why? take that funhouse mirror out and pick something that compliments the you that you are now, if you must have the small wear, use it as a goal to shake that extra love off! Love Peace and Hairgrease to all!


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