
Showing posts from February, 2010


when times are bad or just not so good, employers have what I call "La Grande Time," giving everybody the high hard one. Good employees get it, but I don't get it. If I had a business, my good people, I want to keep, even in lean times, I would want to keep them around, but this universal thought of I'm going to treat everybody like manure just doesn't work for me, the market will change, I will move up and on and where will you be? I can tell you left with a room full of the people you didn't want, who don't care who actually don't want to work anyway. And me the good employee will be gone, I won't spread rumors, truths or lies, I will just move on and forget you ever exsisted, I won't tell friends and family I was treated this or that way, won't have too, those sloths that you got stuck with, will provide all the mass media you will ever need, that's just my thought today

Tiger Tales

okay as a woman who was married to a faithful man, I was blessed in that aspect. However growing up you hear stories and such about infidelities and how the wives survived it, stayed or left. It was a family matter. Now days every time a man or woman wander or dally outside the marriage, it becomes a matter of news, reality t.v. or some other nuisance. Tiger Woods is the latest player to get his card punched. Now he explained and talked and I'm tired and don't want to hear anymore about it. He only owes an apology or explaination to his wife, he's a golfer to me, that's all, he's not a role model! He's just a man with problems, nobody I know is perfect and for society to think he would be is just so stupid beyond belief. He doesn't pay my bills, he's not married to me, so why would I get my panties in snit because the dreamy image of him has been tainted...Please, Please people find a real cause in life.
For the single mom life is a constant motion, it never stops, for the single mom with color any color it's even more stressful, because of culture, climate, etc...I'm tired and want some tlc , I've got 3 kids who are busy karate kids 2 boys and a girl, this is what we do...the oldest the teenager is concentrating on being all he can be with karate. It's a good thing, raising a teen age boy in the hood is not an easy task and we've been through alot , trying to keep positive roll models in the boys life, and be a good roll model for my daughter is hard. My mom moves around the city to pay me back for some past transgression I just know it, she's far east, she's far west, who knows every 2.5 years she picks a new city to move to, but at least she has a man who adores her and is her partner. My funny story today, i paid my water bill and I didn't have the outside line, it wasn't jammed pack with people for the first time in eons...I miss my friend he
Well I survived another Valentine's day. I heard from friends, associates and pals. I baked heart shaped cakes and encouraged love all around. Even though mine appears to have vanished behind that macho stuff "I don't celebrate, I celebrate everyday"...blah blah blah, anyhoo , I cooked that nice italian meal, had a glass of moscato and chocolate and enjoyed getting some serious r & r, my son's school celebrates "Black Love" day, so I was busy till I wasn't. i settled for a nice evening of the Olympics where I, who have no skiing ability whatsoever, was excited watching the skiers hit those slopes, yeah I imagined it was me, I saw me in the downhill, beating all competition and in the speed skate. Yes i had a good weekend.


Why is it that men in charge hate to be belittled in public, but don't hesistate to belittle someone else. You draw flies with honey not vinegar. I don't understand it, some people feel they should be able to say and do whatever they please to anyone, but woe if you check, cross-check or high stick their tiny feelings OMG!, they are ready to fight, or generally stinky actin for some unknown time limit until, their itty bitty, teeny weeny little feelings have healed..ugh, my advice stop oversharing your opinion, when you are not the boss, and if you are the boss, learn some people skills.
The snow finally hit us... eww , I know I live in a cold weather state, but the older I get the less of the snow and cold I enjoy..besides my cuddle bunny is at the other end of the earth. Okay this week I saw Sarah Palin on T.V. yappin again....I did listen to her, but I'm sorry in spite of the womenhood kindredness , I've decided she is the one-liner queen, full of whimsical, quirky one-liners that mean ab-so-lute- ly - nothing, Ugh.
Okay I'm still hyped about the Saint's winning the Superbowl... booya ! It was there turn, the commercials were okay, I enjoyed the little boy and the Doritio's commercial and the E-trade commericals with the babies, those are always funny. I actually like the pre -game commercials a little better, the caveman ones for Geico , those are funny and the Coke commerical that was cool. I went down to Lucky's with my bud and we met some cool folks who watched the game with us, it was cool, I'm surprised I don't have a cold was a serious chill factor in there, they could stand to turn the heat up a smidge lol ;
The police are on a mad hunt for all, has anybody in the D noticed a increase in the police, i sit and watch from sun rise to sun set all the police pulling people over, taking cars, now i'm wondering is it because these are people trying to drive with their own personal meth lab, or are they pulling over the puff puff pass people or checking for drunk drivers. What is going on, I see tow trucks all up and down 7 mile tracking folk down, anybody know wassup ?
okay the closer it gets to Valentine's day, the more ex's and next's call? Come on if you are an ex and call we know it's about a booty call, if you are a next and keep calling we know it's about the booty call. My phone is blowing up from ex's twice and thrice removed...If I didn't call you by now...please go away. Candy is a beautiful thing, chocolate is magnifico , but It will get you no closer to my personal space, come on, the city is big there are oodles and boodles of babes to choose from, please get to it, my dance card is all full.
It's another gray day here in Detroit. A little snow and ice makes all the drivers go beserk ...come on people, we live in a snow state, stop acting brand new and drive carefully. Why do people you interact with whether professionally or socially sometimes feel that their dream should be your dream? I believe people can work with and for each other and help each other, without necessarily dreaming your dream. A great job can still be done above and beyond expectations, but I don't have to want to live your dream. I have friends and associates who own and sell and blah blah and they constantly try to shove there dream of americana down my throat, and I'm thinking what part of I'm not interested in what you are doing beyond giving you friendship or associate support, and quit nagging and whining about it. I tire of hearing if you all did this, if you all did that, blah, blah, If it's your dream, then live your dream, do YOUR thing, but don't be including me