Was it all a plan, from the very beginning. The things I thought I needed to do needed to be, was the bible study, the preparation, the endless tues,Friday and mid week sessions all to prepare for this moment? This moment when so much changed in the matter of a few moments…when life as I knew flipped and all became topsy turvey and chaotic all at one time. Was the prayers that so many prayed all to prepare me, was it to help me gird my loins and prepare for battle. My mindset has changed to educate and share with my young adults, someone told me I need to focus on me…I am me, my soul, sharing the word. I see so many whose faith was built on a building….. They can’t worship unless they are looked at and surrounded by others, it reminds of the lessons long ago about the fake religions….I see people using the church as a career path, I often talked with the Al about these long time t.v. preachers…they never retire, they instead suddenly place their children in as the leader, I was raised to know many are called, don’t know who called em, God didn’t call everybody, some they called themselves, ..Few however are chosen, I know God did not choose all these t.v. types. I know many in the ministry, a few of their children were called, the others work in different ways in the church, but I see way tooo many creating a career including full benefits and big cribs in the ministry. I have seen many of my community and local community churches, stepping up, they are giving food, they are reaching out, via social and drive up worship services. I was raised the church is in YOU, inside, the word inside, In the midst of all this, I see these zealots, screaming and salivating all over, I wonder what happened to Obedience? There are consequences for incorrect actions, don’t they see, or is it because they are listening to the word of man over God? In the file of doing too much, many of them fall. I know why the religious hour is the most segregated time of the day, I watch, I see a small pocket of people that don’t look like me worshiping with the black preacher, teacher. I see a purse full of black folks like me worship with the white preacher, the blended families have to get in where they fit in, where the love is. I see the very way we teach and preach, they use, I see the things the black church used to grow stronger, they use for prophet sometimes. I am thankful to God, for my teaching, for me hearing the word. The Chosen matter.


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