
Showing posts from 2020


Glad to be yet Alive and Kicking.. This year has forced me along with many others to put on our BIG PEOPLE UNDIES and move on...sickness, death, despair, no time to become undone, have to keep going for those still fighting. Said goodbye to Mom, her hubby, and lost some friends and those I just knew....(whew!) I'm an only child, it was always me and ma.. My dad fell and hurt himself, I couldn't travel to see him, he is happy to be alone, there is family to check on him. In the midst of this my only girl, packed her triangle and left to seek out her fortune. In the midst of a contient of "cooties" she left. But through all of this I am thankful, thankful my brood and I have survived. We voted, we mattered, no to move forward and upward. I stepped out into some life and put me first. Since it's just me, I'm praying for some me direction. Everyone is grown and now I want to do a few things, I'd like to do. We shall see, we shall see. Ne


WOULD IT. Would it not be nice to all together give tax paying employees money for the next 90 days? Would it not be nice to keep economy going by extending the stuff that needs to be extended? Why cry about big business they don’t care, they don’t share our woe. The gains they have made before and during and most likely after would cover any small loss they would Incur. Doing good would only endear us to said companies, but nah… Every One wants to be a Greedy Gulliver, take, take, take. They, them, whomever, could give every tax payer a cool 2k for the next 90 days. They them whomever Could use some of the fatted gluttony in that military budget and hey let the senators that make over 175k take a cut for once..but nah you wanna worry about your Richie Rich friends and their companies Which already got 90 percent of the PPP, Selfish to the 90th power. Give, Share, stop

The Lost Child

The weeping tears of a mother whose child is gone to soon. The lives that could have been. The children left behind or those who never came But I see that you don’t see, not because you cannot It is because you look away You search for reasons for this not to be so But yet it is, yet it is I hear those mothers crying, I hear the weeping of the babies Your ears don’t hear, not because they can’t It’s just the words that flow through the air, fill Your ears with the stubborn uncaring sound of the Maybe…The reasons of why this child has died, Never in apology or admission of fault, just maybe, a maybe Why they deserved to die….


Was it all a plan, from the very beginning. The things I thought I needed to do needed to be, was the bible study, the preparation, the endless tues,Friday and mid week sessions all to prepare for this moment? This moment when so much changed in the matter of a few moments…when life as I knew flipped and all became topsy turvey and chaotic all at one time. Was the prayers that so many prayed all to prepare me, was it to help me gird my loins and prepare for battle. My mindset has changed to educate and share with my young adults, someone told me I need to focus on me…I am me, my soul, sharing the word. I see so many whose faith was built on a building….. They can’t worship unless they are looked at and surrounded by others, it reminds of the lessons long ago about the fake religions….I see people using the church as a career path, I often talked with the Al about these long time t.v. preachers…they never retire, they instead suddenly place their children in as the leader, I was rais
Everybody wants what I got, they want to be the inside of me Everybody wants our bodies until they are in our bodies I am good in my hood, don’t stray out no more too far I sit in my square, looking here and there. Too many believed the hype that we are equal and it’s all right But shit is broken and needs to be fixed I’m just one of many Sick of this ish. The law, the ones we posed to respect has been infiltrated by the Klan Yeah it’s true, it has all been revealed, but still folks want to say, oh no That can’t be true, oh me, oh my, what shall we do? First off follow the money, they have become a mob, capo’s and Dons running Everything, rubbing folks out, shaking folks down, follow the money, it won’t hit The floor you won’t hear a sound. Do that drug check see what’s in those veins, roid rage is real, it will muddle the brain Have that head doctor do immediate reviews of what those thoughts are Too many are confused Everybody wants what I got, everybody wants to be me just unti


I AM TIRED..I AM DRAINED, I NEED EVERYBODY TO ACT LIKE EVERYBODY , E V E R Y B O D Y , MATTERS. Every job is not for everybody. Clearly some people need to do other things, because when they get into positions of authority, they lose their mind, their perspective and ALL control. Where are all these personality tests that they clearly neglect to give to the majority...they sure have and still do give them to the minority....I've been working long enough to smell the poo when it's in the air and things are not right. They are not right, because it's like the circus is lose upon the world and Twisty is running around knocking people in the head with his bowling pin. Meanwhile the Killer Klowns from blue planet drink steriods and turn into monsters and go out mashing, smashing and squeezing life blood out of folks. Meanwhile Twisty's partner Pennywise is in charge of the cootie committee and really don't think it's cooties...just something a placebo pill wil