I AM TIRED..I AM DRAINED, I NEED EVERYBODY TO ACT LIKE EVERYBODY , E V E R Y B O D Y , MATTERS. Every job is not for everybody. Clearly some people need to do other things, because when they get into positions of authority, they lose their mind, their perspective and ALL control. Where are all these personality tests that they clearly neglect to give to the majority...they sure have and still do give them to the minority....I've been working long enough to smell the poo when it's in the air and things are not right. They are not right, because it's like the circus is lose upon the world and Twisty is running around knocking people in the head with his bowling pin. Meanwhile the Killer Klowns from blue planet drink steriods and turn into monsters and go out mashing, smashing and squeezing life blood out of folks. Meanwhile Twisty's partner Pennywise is in charge of the cootie committee and really don't think it's cooties...just something a placebo pill will fix, meanwhile life is being extingushed and breath being sucked out..they die alone. I'm tired because flying monkeys with wings and guns are hovering all over safe spaces and unless I get godzilla and the hoarde to come thru and make them go away, they fly around spitting, and poopin and spreading nasty all over. I would love to envision the Emerald City once again and have a moment to savor it. But it seems that's a far ways off, for now, let me send out the signal to Sister Knight...we are gonna need a bigger voice.


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