social medias

It is so easy to cheat, to sneak to not be faithful. Why? it has no substance. It has no real lasting power. I'm so tired of grown folks who got married somebody, much like a naughty toddler does not have enough to keep him or herself busy, so they go creeping around. One would think you'd know that people love attention is this decade, they crave it, they are attention whores, just waiting for someone to DM, snapchat, click a like button. Could be I'm just getting calmer in these my copper bronze years. I have not felt the urge to dip my toe back into the dating pond, because i'm no longer content to be a notch on the bed post, a call when it's my turn on the rotation. Nor do I wish to have a rotation, it is pointless and it wastes my time and my sexual prowess on a man that I'm not his number one, we can't come together, be together as king and queen and run a empire. I'm not sitting in the court with the jesters and ladies in waiting...waiting for what? Nah, there is much to do in life, so while i'm working on me, that king out there is working on him and when we meet up, it will be nothing but celestial fields of love with no other baggage hanging on our coat tails.


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