college time

I remember college time, in a different time. We must prepare our young adults so much better than we were. Girls and Guys protect your most important asset...YOU. Be cautious yet have fun, don't drink to pass out, everybody is not your friend and hope for your success. Technology can be damaging, so you need to think about your behavior for real, due to the fact, lights, cameras and action people are all around. Guard your privacy. Guard your heart, know that everybody don't love the same, they love for the moment, the feeling of euphoria, the superficial level of sexlove. Enjoy growing up, enjoy meeting new people and having new interactions, but as a adult, protect yourself, disease is real, std, permanent td's ie, herpes, aids, hiv, etc..., So love freely but love with a strong caution, and it's okay to say no. If the mood is not to be, pass, their is no shortage of people. Condoms are cheap and if you don't protect you, who will? Drugs, don't take, and swallow everything, get high off life, i'm tired of seeing stories about lost and turned out young adults who because they were bored, swallowed, injected, sniffed, snorted, etc. something and now we are all teared up over their demise, or drug dependency. Get high of living, get high off laughing, get high on being the one that didn't end up naked with a bottle in their butt on facebook, who 5 years later is trying to get a career established and this one photo keeps popping up, which every HR and employer you want has seen. Be empowered, work on your passions, figure out what you want to do and be and do it. The adult world with all it's flaws will still be here, enjoy being a youth, enjoy with common sense, your college journey, your journey into being a free single adult. Don't rush. And always keep the faith, if you need help reach out, help is closer than you think.


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