So Black lives Matters, All Lives Matter, yet no one fully knows what is the matter. The matter is I'm tired of babies and children being caught in the cross hairs of adults, who can't control their impulses. I'm tired because everybody feels that only more guns stop bad guns, good people with guns will stop the bad people with guns, not so much, what has been happening is accidental shooting of careless "good" people with guns, who have the attention span of a teetsy fly, but yet have a weapon. What we have is stupid violent criminals, who since have such a love of shooting, should be immediately flown and dropped into some Hot Zone of war and let them shoot away, clearly no life matters to them. They should be sent away and, their families and children will know they actually did something for a purpose, other than driving up and down the street and shooting innocents due to the fact the pin heads you were aiming for are no where to be found, most likely on your block, shooting up other innocents. The Matter is self control, you have Roid Raged Policemen who have no self control, followed by those who are just big bullies who for far too long have been out of control and make it horrible for the really great officers who are out and about risking limb and life. Yea, Yea I know the police were created for a specific purpose, but in the now, right now, this now, some Police of many colors like Joseph's amazing technicolor dream coat are trying to make a change. It's no secret some police departments need to retire, fire, and close. But in it's place their needs to be diverse police departments not only in color but in mindset to give balance and community empowerment. The Matter is What boobs keep talking about I don't snitch and some Criminal Mind serial nut is roaming about, what, you think they won't get you, cause you kept quiet? Seriously, have you watched no crime show at all? That's not how any of this works. The Matter is why are all the recreation centers closed, where are the much needed boys and girls clubs, run by people in the community that look like the people they serve. I call it leading by example, if you see me, you will want to be me, you will seek to make better choices. The Matter is with all the genius big brained people of all colors, races, and places, why aren't prisons rehabbing the non violent offenders? Why have we not addressed these issues with solutions, viable solutions other than the "lock in a box". Other countries do, what no idea sharing here? The matter to me is clear, we must come together, and teach, work with and love and show that we care and that everyone Matters.


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