
Showing posts from 2013


Praying. There is power in the name of JESUS. To break every chain of oppression and anger and aggression. Only Jesus can handle the contrary sprints that are in fighting now. SO I SAY LET'S ALL PUT SOME PRAYER POWER ON IT

The Aftermath of a Incident of Pain

Okay, he shot the boy, we know it, but I never felt he would be convicted, for many reasons. I pray the family finds peace. I pray the shooter finds the courage to tell the truth at some point in his existence. While people are saying ohhh he was a terrible child I heard he smoked weed, he cussed, he blah blah blah. The bible tells us not to judge. None of these so called supporters of the shooter are perfect or have perfect kids, don't believe me check out your kids, twitter, facebook, instagram etc..., they are kids they vent, this is their virtual diary. Wrong however is wrong, but the jury of his peers found him not there you have it. I know God sits up high and looks down low and hears and sees all, including the dirty deeds. So we as beautiful black people have further validation, that color still matters...duh. We need to focus on loving each other more. We need to stop the violence in our own neighborhoods, we need to watch and protect each other. I&


As my journey into the "CALL CENTER" continues, I'm amazed at how lonely people are, here's the thing, you gotta watch your handle time or time yapping it up to customers...okay but you want that all important good review, sooooo, what do you do? what do you do? Okay so i'm talking to ye lil ole lady, who clearly has no intention on ending the call under a half hour, rambling about this and that, blah blah blah, I try nicely to remove her from the phone, Nope, still yapping, tried a second time to free my ear from her mouth...Nada, Third time, I firmly tried to tell her I must go...., but no, she was not having it, I gave up and listened to her ramble on until her task was complete. I think I have spring fever, I gotta meditate or something today, I'm having a overload case lately of WBC=whiny butt customers. I'm still frustrated as my money is a touch short...just life. The funny thing is I phone meet people all the time. Money does not mean yo


Okay it's official I work at that place where good jobs go to die.......The Call Center! I've come to the conclusion, that they are responsible for a great deal of weight gain!!!OMG, let's have pizza day, fried food day, food day, anything to keep you in that seat for 8 hours yapping on that line. Meanwhile your waist is growing and growing and your metabolism is slowing down to the pace of a snail. The chairs are starting to break with the weight placed upon it everyday, the floor is starting to shake when people walk by, my suggestion let's have treadmills, recumbent bikes? all that phone work is really starting to weigh us down, I'm just saying. Talking to people is a challenge on a good day, but on a bad day, over snacking is what helps in those moments you just want to respond back in kind. Sometimes I stuff veggies in my mouth, but usually the chip is around volunteering to enter the mouths of us who really have to do a personal time out to keep it coo
FUNNY STORIES OF LOVE AND LIFE AFTER 40 Okay now that I am a lady of a certain stage and age, I kinda know what I want........ A partner to canoodle with, and just be. I'm not a cougar, what's up with that anyway, men have ALWAYS dated younger and nobody seems to mind that great grandpa is dating a girl young enough to be his granddaughter? I like younger men between 38-48 only because some of them are open to new ideas, I don't need a daddy, maybe a big daddy, but not somebody so set they won't bend, is that soooo hard, and the last two age appropriate guys had already been married and had no interest in ever doing it again, so if you know i'm a marrying gal, why waste "OUR" time. I'm taking a pause for the cause....Cause I'm tired. I will not waste anymore of my time on guys with a different path than I. I think back and I have wasted time on giving love and passion and all that good stuff to those guys who I wasn't their number 1,

Back from the Abyss

< Been gone awhile, working on my life, love and pursuit of happiness, although right now its the pursuit of my financial independence, which would make me happy. It has seemed since 2007 my life has been a chapter from the book "Lemony Snickets" it truly has been a series of unfortunate events. But I'm a woman I'm strong, God loves me and I love him and I press forward. Today I'm thankful I can kiss my kids. I'm saddened by the parents who have lost their children in OK, we as a nation must pray, all this silly backbiting and acting horrible just for the sake of being difficult must stop. Really can't we act civil? I hold those in authority in a higher light, as I see you all the time on tv, in print, everywhere, I tire of explaining to young people why all these grown people act so dreadful, we want our kids to be better and do better than us, how can they when we act so out of control with our lip service. As I settle into my new spot, I&