
Showing posts from March, 2010


why is it that so many people feel compelled to roam outside of their relationship? especially if they have a happy one, that they know they don't want to lose? is a few moments of pleasure truly worth it? I don't think so, I realize I'm in a minority and the most of the world feels they should be able to roam freely with no consequences, no remorse, but the damage to the one you love is forgivable but not forgettable and the damage has been done forever it's been cast in memory. I remember a guy I dated who gave me the "roam around" and we are friends now, but I could never love him the way I did or trust him or have faith in him. The only love I have is the love a good friend gives another. Life is stressful enough, I love for intimacy, companionship, the comfort of one, it don't take all the men in the world just the love and respect of one.

health care

Why the hate? where are all those people who wanted health care reform, are they in the house hiding? all I see is these selfish nimrods of NO, who don't care if the richest country in the world takes care of it's own....I'm so sick of the Tea Party I could really vomit, I'm for the Coffee Cabaret of Coverage, I'm for helping those who can't help themselves, I worked from age 15 till 2007 paying health, fica , ss , etc.., Now that I'm looking for work, I'm uninsured, my kids are uninsured, and you don't want me to have coverage, I tell you what for all the years I was healthy and contributed BIGTIME to the health care industry, send me a check back, instead of spending billions to stop coverage, help, I know that word sounds foreign HELP, and all these nasty people spitting and acting all kinds of ugly, what example are you showing, my kids were like mommy..."they are cursing and spitting on people". America Grow up.

bullock bullocks & the rest

i'm tired of all these bad reports of marriage woes abounding. marriage is hard work, as much time as people spend making dumb decisions to cheat and be cads, people have got to work it out, stop letting these bimbos men or women put marriages in the street trying to make a dime, it just ain't right. stop giving up on your marriage your spouse your good for the worse. Get some counseling , get some help, pray, refocus, renew your marriage, kick the bimbo's aside, if you married be married, if you are single, be single with single people, the thing people don't understand is that the stuff comes back to you full circle, you wreck a home, your day is coming and coming sooner than you think. respect the marriage, respect the vows if nothing else grow the f. up and find an available free person.
it's a gloomy start to St. Patty's Week... i'm not Irish, but I have a diverse group of friends, associates and such. I've spent this weekend draining water from the basement, the sewer the rain water. My ex can only tell me he has no money to help. It's troubling to know you made a poor choice of mates..I feel somedays that almost 17 years I wasted, I got 3 great kids out of it, but out of all that time, work was not in his vocab, I learned a very hard lesson from that, I believe he loved me, but he loved himself more, I dated two more like that till I learned my lesson good. I approach relationships in a completely different way now, I do more paying attention and listening and observing, so when they say "I love you" I say I love me too and will be looking out for my heart and feelings.
I'm going to check into this nursing program, I wanted to be a trucker, but the company I went to gave me the your in then you need a co-signer 45 come on!, and I did corporate college reimburse before and that school got all their money!@#!$ !), well anyhoo , I'm going check out this program, yeah I'm not a big smell person, but I'm not liking the broke feelings of late. I love being able to take care of my and my brood, the alternatives presented too me! ugh! and people thought money for Nubxxx was all gone. Nope the offers still manage to present themselves, what I wanna know is where are they getting the money from, since most of us have none, where is the hidden stash kept. All I know is that I'm planning on getting a new career gig and taking care of me and mine.
okay it's official, i'm so tired of being in the pile of not "employed people" and i'm tired of people who always know what career path I should be doing...and mind you these are always the people who are 25 cents ahead of you. I just want a new career, with new dreams and goals, i want to be able to pay my bills and take vacations with my kids and just be. The path of the single mom is not easy, but this is the way it is, so you work it out and keep on steppin , you pray, you seek, you encourage one another and hope for God's favor! peace


what will become of michigan ? I was driving home yesterday and the blocks that used to have children playing in the yards and husbands and wives, and other family unions are all's like we are becoming one big "ghost town", on my block in the hood, neighbors I knew are long gone and empty houses sit, the kids my kids used to play with are long gone. It's not just a Detroit problem, the burbs have the same issues, empty blocks, spaces that used to be filled with people..gone, I worry what will become of me and my brood and continue to pray every day and look for a better way to make it!


so shall we all move to Kentucky? I think we should all pack up in giant caravans of people and move to the bluegrass state. Since the Senator there says " tuff stuff" and that's not the word he used to us being out of work, I think plainly he wants all the states all 49 of the other states with people out of work to come live in Kentucky. I figure the state must have a ton of jobs with benefits by the thousands. It must have affordable housing and be the best place to live, so start packing your caravan now and let's all go to Kentucky!!