Valentine's Day...what can you say about national candy day except, it's about the love, all the STUFF has it's place, but it should be about the love, the like, the lust ,of somebody in your life. People get caught up in is funny for most these last few years, downright hysterical for some, so we as ladies and some men have to realize this. People need to be more creative, when I was married a nice Valentine Day plan was, find a friend to watch the kid(s), cook or order up a meal, mine was seafood pasta and some baked breadsticks and a cake, it was a wonderful thing. Cooking the meal together can be fun or taking the drive to pick it up. Later when I was single, we'd pick up dinner, drinks, dessert, take back to the pleasure place, watch a good flick and enjoy Valentine's day, I find funny gifts work better. See my birthday is wayyyy more special to me than a Candy day.


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