COFFEE CABARET FOR COVERAGE!!! okay I just heard that Sarah Palin is speaking at the Tea Party's Tea so to speak. Come on give me a break, Sarah Palin is just an annoying voice women who used her savvy or something and got to almost be...(whew) the vice president of the United States of America, this is not even about party lines for me, I just think there are so many more women that could represent the good ole USA with the right skill set, when I listen to her voice, it's like nails on a chalk board, and all those folksy sayings are about as fake as her eyelashes. So therefore I'm requesting nominees for my Coffee Cabaret for Coverage, we as women know and understand that life is hard, we have to deal with much in our lifetime, I want a woman no matter what color that has lived some life, to represent me, not one who has to be told what,where,how and how to say it and be dressed up like some stepford wife. So post your nominees for the Coffee Cabaret today!


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