
Showing posts from January, 2021


Since like most of the universe we are all in or partially in the house, I find I spend more time actually looking and listening to commercials...go figure. So far the Geico ones have me in stitches...the cloggers, the fencing, and of the late the new house with the loud pipes. My next one is the fanduel one with James Harrison...that tackle is everything.. The quick face lift one I find facinating, where are these husbands? is their a program for them to get tightend up as well, I'm just saying, let's all be sexy together. I like fairness in commercials, All these summer eve commercials worrying about my bits, hey "sweaty balls" smell too, where is the man balls wash to keep them smelling fresh as a daisy, why are bits supposed to smell like flowers and fruit, just clean is always fine, soap and water, soap and water, stop worrying about my lady bits and worry about those man parts.


So unless I agree with the loudest, I don't matter. Because I didn't see things your way, now my vote is null and void? That's not how things work. We as a collective have always had differences, and these things were worked out, but now we have gone all out to just lie, cheat and steal. I'm sick of it. What lesson are we teaching the young who are watching us, that if you don't get your way, make up stuff? I need grown ups to act grown and not like whiny toddlers who missed their nap. Many are the things I don't like, Many are the people that truly suck, I got over it, didn't like it, didn't lay on the ground, made sure my vote counted, called a few others, we talked about it, made a decision and done. I need folks to Grow Up.


I am beyond annoyed. I remember the "dangling chad" era, when the light was exstingushed from a should have been winner, who took the L, moved on, told us to embrace the new. Now, in this day right here, right now, these same, samers, yeah I made a word are telling us this time, our votes don't count again, because.....Clearly as people of color, the color that doesn't agree with the tom foolery going on, should not count. Adults who the children are watching, refusing to concede ...YOU LOST, YOUR SIDE DID NOT WIN, THE GREATER NUMBER WON, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! 2016, I voted for the woman, she lost, her fault, her team, I wasn't happy, but I didn't shave my head, put on spikes and go lay in the street..., to be clear, there was outrage, that was because, we knew what was coming and it came, it came in spades... But the fact the "Jim Crow Caucus" has banded together to protest the ...will of the people simply because their side lost, annoys me