My newly single friends come in a variety of shades, shapes and desires, but one thing always seems true. The men bounce back faster and get back in the swimming pool of dating before a lot of the women. Men will comb over, tuck in belly and all, put on those Mr. Green Jeans blue jeans and get out there, meanwhile we are in the gym or the kitchen or online...... I admit, I replaced some good loving with food, it happens, good love=chocolate and all the yummies, but i'm back to exercise, as I've discovered, once you cross another age bridge, evicting fat requires more. It sets up apartments, houses and condos, so I really gotta push push push....., 80/20% now 90/10% workouts. Some of my girlfriends, date online..which always have creeped me out. I don't do blind dates, so why would I do online...eww. I don't want to be catfished which is pretty much a con, some boob figuring you will get to know them first through the fairy tales they post online, they by the time you meet them and figure out what has happened, perhaps you will be madly, passionately in love....hmph. I think grown ups should meet out. Restaurants, the market, the mall, just being out and about, sit down have a cup of joe or a spot of tea in the beautiful sunlight, where alcohol is not around, so you can actually have a conversation to see if you connect at all. My exes, seem to be thriving as they got right back out there. We are all friends still, because no need in getting mad, I'm grown, If I'm not number 1, why bother, go be happy, but they are all boo'd up, in lust, in passion and from time to time they ask why i'm alone. It used to bother me, now I don't care, I'm like hey I'm not lonely, I'm not horny, so It's okay for me to be with me and have fun with me. I figure the guy I'm supposed to be with is working on himself and when we meet, it will be the truth and it will be. so to the women waiting, make yourself happy, go to dinner, see a movie, plan a vaca, work on being the best you that you can be!


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