
Showing posts from April, 2016

college time

I remember college time, in a different time. We must prepare our young adults so much better than we were. Girls and Guys protect your most important asset...YOU. Be cautious yet have fun, don't drink to pass out, everybody is not your friend and hope for your success. Technology can be damaging, so you need to think about your behavior for real, due to the fact, lights, cameras and action people are all around. Guard your privacy. Guard your heart, know that everybody don't love the same, they love for the moment, the feeling of euphoria, the superficial level of sexlove. Enjoy growing up, enjoy meeting new people and having new interactions, but as a adult, protect yourself, disease is real, std, permanent td's ie, herpes, aids, hiv, etc..., So love freely but love with a strong caution, and it's okay to say no. If the mood is not to be, pass, their is no shortage of people. Condoms are cheap and if you don't protect you, who will? Drugs, don't


So Black lives Matters, All Lives Matter, yet no one fully knows what is the matter. The matter is I'm tired of babies and children being caught in the cross hairs of adults, who can't control their impulses. I'm tired because everybody feels that only more guns stop bad guns, good people with guns will stop the bad people with guns, not so much, what has been happening is accidental shooting of careless "good" people with guns, who have the attention span of a teetsy fly, but yet have a weapon. What we have is stupid violent criminals, who since have such a love of shooting, should be immediately flown and dropped into some Hot Zone of war and let them shoot away, clearly no life matters to them. They should be sent away and, their families and children will know they actually did something for a purpose, other than driving up and down the street and shooting innocents due to the fact the pin heads you were aiming for are no where to be found, most likely on

social medias

It is so easy to cheat, to sneak to not be faithful. Why? it has no substance. It has no real lasting power. I'm so tired of grown folks who got married somebody, much like a naughty toddler does not have enough to keep him or herself busy, so they go creeping around. One would think you'd know that people love attention is this decade, they crave it, they are attention whores, just waiting for someone to DM, snapchat, click a like button. Could be I'm just getting calmer in these my copper bronze years. I have not felt the urge to dip my toe back into the dating pond, because i'm no longer content to be a notch on the bed post, a call when it's my turn on the rotation. Nor do I wish to have a rotation, it is pointless and it wastes my time and my sexual prowess on a man that I'm not his number one, we can't come together, be together as king and queen and run a empire. I'm not sitting in the court with the jesters and ladies in waiting...wai