
Thanks to God, I saw another birthday, it was quiet,I spent it ball room dance practicing at the karate school. My oldest always tells me first, then my almost baby girl, his best bud called me, I got some nice calls, however missing from my b-day list was The one I love and the one I used to love...funny, but actually the one I love and whose call, card etc. I waited for never came, it answered a burning question. Time to move on, I realized that If you want me, you'd make the time, take the time to be together. Odd thing is that I'm not mad, or to sad, just moving on. Besides there's a young man who has been talking to me and would like the chance to get to know me better, perhaps now is the time. I plan to expand my horizons and date again, there are alot of young men not babies who like a mature woman.


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