
Showing posts from January, 2010
COFFEE CABARET FOR COVERAGE!!! okay I just heard that Sarah Palin is speaking at the Tea Party's Tea so to speak. Come on give me a break, Sarah Palin is just an annoying voice women who used her savvy or something and got to almost be...(whew) the vice president of the United States of America, this is not even about party lines for me, I just think there are so many more women that could represent the good ole USA with the right skill set, when I listen to her voice, it's like nails on a chalk board, and all those folksy sayings are about as fake as her eyelashes. So therefore I'm requesting nominees for my Coffee Cabaret for Coverage, we as women know and understand that life is hard, we have to deal with much in our lifetime, I want a woman no matter what color that has lived some life, to represent me, not one who has to be told what,where,how and how to say it and be dressed up like some stepford wife. So post your nominees for the Coffee Cabaret today!
why do people think the 50 state condition would change in a year?????, it took the previous regime in charge 2 terms to make a mess, so why would anyone think it will be fixed in a year?? is anyone concerned that the health industry spent billions to keep the status quo , but would not spend those billions to help fund a free health care plan for the have nots ? perhaps if they stopped scaring people and the public stopped acting like they are brand new and have no knowledge of how twisted the health industry is we as a people could get something done for all. i'm still on my coffee cabaret for health care coverage, tea party be darned!!! unless i get a refund for all the day's me and my kids were never sick, i have no interest in hearing from the Richy Rich family of selfish loot. LONG LIVE THE COFFEE CABARET OF HEALTH COVERAGE!
Valentine's Day...what can you say about national candy day except, it's about the love, all the STUFF has it's place, but it should be about the love, the like, the lust ,of somebody in your life. People get caught up in is funny for most these last few years, downright hysterical for some, so we as ladies and some men have to realize this. People need to be more creative, when I was married a nice Valentine Day plan was, find a friend to watch the kid(s), cook or order up a meal, mine was seafood pasta and some baked breadsticks and a cake, it was a wonderful thing. Cooking the meal together can be fun or taking the drive to pick it up. Later when I was single, we'd pick up dinner, drinks, dessert, take back to the pleasure place, watch a good flick and enjoy Valentine's day, I find funny gifts work better. See my birthday is wayyyy more special to me than a Candy day.

healthcare hoopla

I've decided, if the powers that be...the really greedy have's don't want to share the healthcare wealth, then do this, for all the years I worked and contributed and was healthy, including my offspring, I want a refund, then I can afford to purchase healthcare , see I started working at 15 and taxes, medical, social security all of the mentioned plus was taken out of my check, so now that I'm in need, Gimme my staying healthy Loot!!!! This tea party non-sense is working my nerves big time. I have formed my own group the Coffee Cabaret for Coverage, we the people (ALL) the people in this blessed country will learn to share, care and love one another, if in fact it is God we trust, then we should strive to act and be more God-like Share!!!!!!

tryin to survive in michigan

Michigan that lovely greatlake city, for those of us in the big D or what was formerly known as the big D trying to survive it's no fun stuff. I have friends leaving in bunches for other states and places, can anyone tell me why the states that have the most jobs are also the coldest...eww, i don't know about everybody else, but the older I get the less I enjoy snow and subartic temps??? I'm trying to be strong and sing Gloria Gaynor I will survive, but....somedays it gets hard out hear for the unemployed.