Why is it always when times of economic challenge happen, the poor are attacked! Now it's some narrow minded people who see nothing wrong allowing people to smoke in the white house, who had all type of fits when a former 1st lady encouraged and tried to change school menus, but always want to police people and their food choices. Why does it bother some what people buy and consume, you want to change it to make poor or lower income people suffer and feel less than, it's some classist ish that is always tossed about to make middle and upper middle feel better. Never have I ever seen any groups of these/them go after these corporate Welfare Kings, Queens and Folk, Mininmum wage is still too low, rents are climbing ever higher, but hey let's pick on the poor. It's Bullying 101. The very people that were deemed "essential" to work thru and service you and keep you in tolilet paper often receive food benefits, the same ones you talk poorly too are the ones, helping and stocking. Meanwhile the CEO's of these companies, get million upon million of perks while keeping pay low, benefits minimum, but tell me again about your feigned concern over what people buy. This is from a generation that many refused to vaccinate or hear talk of or at minimum put on a mask and wash your nasty hands...this is from a group who felt we all should get it because??? because many were toooooo stupid to understand basic science. This from a group who initially cared, until you found out that you in your big house with plenty land and such were not in danger, because nobody was really near you, or bragged how you could stay off grid and work from home and stay safe, while the rest of the world died off, while we lived concerned about others and minimzing the spread. I am so very sick of people who want to police people and their life choices, because they just don't like it. Who cares, time moves forward, it does not go back, no matter how much you want 19whatever, it is not happening, why? because time waits for no one, it is a constant motion, I yearn for people to mind their business and let people just be. Not one of us is perfect or no all their is, if you cannot be a help, why is the determination so strong to be a hindrence, when the portion we pay for food help is so small, anybody ask the defense department or corp. companies, why they need corporate welfare? Does anyone? hello? No, we are becoming bullies among each other when we need to try to help one another.


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