I tire of people spelling wrong. In this day of technology and helpful stuff, why? oh why. They make up spelling of things that are just wrong, I read, I can read, sooo, I'm going to need you to take that 1000 IPHONE and turn on auto correct or and spell correctly. A lot of people are missing, could it be they are lost and can't find their way home because they can't spell, their street? They out wandering about lost in mis spell land. They live on Schoenherr (Detroit) but spelling shanor, shainor,chaneor, chain or? Could you have got off the bus in the wrong place and now just wandering around due to your lack of spelling? Now in other events, that former rapper that was black has been traded for pretty much anyone with a brain that knows and understands history and slavery, jim crow etc. I can't with him. The fact he loves Agent Orange matters not, it's his choice and right, but when you start rambling and talking about hurtful times within your own community...dude, good bye, perhaps he should have played his "workout" song vs. lipo, hit the gym, you got many coins, trainer, chef, e x e r c i s e.... I'm waiting for the Royal Wedding why?, because I like weddings where the man and woman look happy and into each other, besides I watched Harry's mum, his uncle's, his brother's wedding, I look forward to this one. It makes me happy and for a moment still believe. I know being a copy cat can be a sign of flattery....but, But, BUT....if the 5 language speaking lady don't create one, just one thing all of her own, i'm calling flag on the play, i'm sure their are ideas in her head, they just can't seem to make it out, so i'm going to need her to get her copy cat staff together, she needs to tighten them like the muscles on her calves. There are creative minds available for you, please for the love of pete, go find some. "Be Original".


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