

TOO OLD MY EYE! THE ENTIRE FREE WORLD IS RUN BY "OLDIES" BUT NOW WE WANNA CRY ABOUT IT...NAH, nope, nada. Meanwhile cruel guy is on a rampage. Reagan had dementia, Gerald ford fell every few months, Mitch has froze 2 on live t.v., the average age of congress is dinosaur. Did we 4get, this admin has a young-younger, middle age team that reflects everybody, not just somebodies.... I feel these sudden pundits that are yapping are straight up getting payola, and hoping for favor, theythem don't like you either, they go so much to say at the final ending, but quiet about cruel guy. They are double agents of chaos. Don't even let me get started on these so called "giftpapers", talking about cruel guy is their guy. We know you on the take, we know you think payola coming, we see you, you not working class or middle class, you think you up with them, so carry on, but you don't represent the community or our interests.


Why is it always when times of economic challenge happen, the poor are attacked! Now it's some narrow minded people who see nothing wrong allowing people to smoke in the white house, who had all type of fits when a former 1st lady encouraged and tried to change school menus, but always want to police people and their food choices. Why does it bother some what people buy and consume, you want to change it to make poor or lower income people suffer and feel less than, it's some classist ish that is always tossed about to make middle and upper middle feel better. Never have I ever seen any groups of these/them go after these corporate Welfare Kings, Queens and Folk, Mininmum wage is still too low, rents are climbing ever higher, but hey let's pick on the poor. It's Bullying 101. The very people that were deemed "essential" to work thru and service you and keep you in tolilet paper often receive food benefits, the same ones you talk poorly too are the ones


So she got moxy, and is happy in the skin she is in. She is beautiful and very talented and reminds me of the voice power of other's with similar talent who were overlooked, because they didn't fit the right image...I went thru some of my music archives and pulled up the "Weather Girls", that's still my jam, to me it's the single woman jam looking for straight men raining down from the sky for us. Cheryl Lynn...that octave range...still shut it down, Jennifer Holliday and many others, Amber Riley can sing, J.Hud, all started out more Rubenesque than tall and lanky, got over looked inspite of their talent, suddenly everybody worried about health, diet, bmi, why, Is it because people can't possibly appreciate the sights and sound of a full bodied black woman that can sing, dance and move? Now I'm not shy, and will never tush out and twerk at least in public, but I don't get to sequester those who do, nobody asked me, nobody asked theythemthose,


So, now there is a mad dash for space exploration in depth. Why are you trying to inhabit places that have not invited you? You can't take care of the Earth, which was perfect. Nope, you poison the water, land and air. You pollute stuff, then you get the bright ideal that you should take over the moon or mars? So when you knock off the ecological balance of everything here on earth, and start polluting the planet the rest of us are on, that sounds good. So you can spirit away to richy rich island with your family and the rest of us, melt under the ozone? while we face the repercussions for your sins? How does that work? That doesn't seem right, we have all this space garbage now, that's floating and waiting to land on somebodies land and pollute it. Can we just take a pause for the cause and love the earth, Love this right here? before we go over there? I find it annoying that they them those always trying to find an escape plan, when they created the drama to


Just teach the truth. Stop with stupid books saying Africans came over looking for work. Stop it, just stop it, if your ears and eyes can't hear or see the truth, seek help, now. We were kidnapped, and all the horrific things people make movies about happen to us. That's truth. Stop trying to add other groups into our tragedy. We talk about the horror of the Holocaust, we didn't enslave Jewish people, so if you talk about that right, give us the same. I don't care it makes you feel uncomfortable, it happen, we can discern it wasn't you directly. Be truthful, just talk about real history that happened nobody asked yall thin skinned folk to dwell, but be truthful, it helps with the healing. Every day I learn something new about the History of these United States. Stand in your truth, peel back that bandaid so we can put some healing salve on it.

George Floyd

So a journalist wrote a scathing piece of the life history of George Floyd. It listed out every mistake and poor choice he made during his life. There were many. The journalist then said no he didn’t deserve to die, nor did he deserve a day, an invite to the White House and blah blah blah. I reflected on the words of the journalist and then, there is was glaring up at me. Blindness, you still fail to see that, this poor soul became a martyr due to the fact you refuse to see blue violence for what it is too often. The bullying, the hate of those communities which they feel are under them. Young children have fallen prey while playing with their toys, good citizens, sleeping, sitting, walking, driving, just existing, all while being Black or a person of color, you are continually blinded by your willful ignorance to believe there is a PROBLEM. I read the comments of those in agreement and felt, too many are still blind, you refuse to acknowledge it, even though, your daughte


I, us, didn't ask for a ...DAY. We asked for voting rights!, We ask for reforms, We asked for our narrative to be included in history, we asked for equal. We didn't ask for a day for they, them, those to hi-jack and make a car, or white sale. We ask that Justice for All, include us in the All. We celebrated the day by ourselves, we didn't extend no invitations and say come on board! It was just our thing, but randomly, ooh let's give them a day? It's like dating someone seriously for a while and when the time for committment arrives, you ask for an engagement ring and they give you a necklace.. It's like asking for a banana split with all the toppings and they bring you a fro-yo with granola. Could we once get what we asked for? It's like going to Burger King asking for a Whopper and getting a Big Mac, wassup with that. America do better. And we, us, me know the reason Juneteenth happen, They, them, those, knew people were to be freed, but greed