
Showing posts from 2012
< Okay we've almost reached the end of the year. I'm still at this call center, which I've come to realize was created by people who came from HELL! Never has soo many whiny, crying people called one place that is not Life essential. Nobody reads directions so I think trees could be saved, why print them, when they can call me. Education is more than a notion, so many people obviously have no idea what following instructions are or actually reading what the instructions say, instructions say call product manufacturer, Nah let's just call the center, they will know, they have all info. They don't know their name, everybody uses nick names so when i ask who i'm speaking to, I really could be speaking pig latin.

Super Bowl Sunday

Okay I was not as excited as I usually am for Super Bowl, only cause I don't really live anywhere...So we feasted and had a fun day, but I like being with my kids, I watched MADONNA, she was good, but watchin her, sure did remind me that none of us are 27 anymore, she was moving, I'm finally trying to move forward and not look back, a parent told me, I waited to long for some things in my life and I guess I did, no use crying over it now, It hurts, it's hard, but hey I got work to do, I'm working again, it's a start, I was able for the first time in ages to get my babies some shoes and get our hair done. God is good. I spent some movie time with a pal, good flick. Now it's time to find a spot of my own.

New Adventures

I prayed and had a quiet birthday, Christmas and New Year, just around those I like and care about, I got the greatest B-day kiss from one of my top 5 kissers i know, that was nice, the new year i spent being the hostess with the mostess and left to go to bed. I missed Texas, but Texas is no more. I started on a new adventure to make the doughnuts, I'm working nights, I figure that will keep me busy on date I just have to adjust to working in a whole world of mostly 20agers...omgosh! For the new year I'm trying to focus on my babies and taking care of me, my body is starting to feel like me again, I'm buying a bike soon to keep some exercise incorporated in my life, I've started to un-replace food for things and people I miss, A lady I know gave some things to consider about my romantic life, she was right and I have been reflecting ever since, oh well, gotta keep it moving. It's time for new things, new love, new adventures, my babies are happy