
Showing posts from June, 2016

Today's Issue.

So, the world is changing. It is a fact and as much as we ALL like to see it in black and white, it's really not. It is many colors. So many people are up in arms over race relations. Why? Because you gotta stand in your truth, things, very bad things have been done, and are still being done. Lies have been told, history warped. But in order for us as a whole to move forward, we must embrace and acknowledge and speak truth. Yes! truth hurts! but it leads to growth. Lying and hiding the truth, pretending things didn't happen, helps nobody, it angers most. We have been taught that we should learn from the past mistakes, but that can only happen if you acknowledge that mistakes were made. I so tire of blowharded, windbagged people polluting my air with super silly words and sentences and phrases that mean nada, but enrage the masses! This is a age of great learning, so why are we not learning, learning to love, respect, each other, care about each other. We is it al