
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Aftermath of a Incident of Pain

Okay, he shot the boy, we know it, but I never felt he would be convicted, for many reasons. I pray the family finds peace. I pray the shooter finds the courage to tell the truth at some point in his existence. While people are saying ohhh he was a terrible child I heard he smoked weed, he cussed, he blah blah blah. The bible tells us not to judge. None of these so called supporters of the shooter are perfect or have perfect kids, don't believe me check out your kids, twitter, facebook, instagram etc..., they are kids they vent, this is their virtual diary. Wrong however is wrong, but the jury of his peers found him not there you have it. I know God sits up high and looks down low and hears and sees all, including the dirty deeds. So we as beautiful black people have further validation, that color still matters...duh. We need to focus on loving each other more. We need to stop the violence in our own neighborhoods, we need to watch and protect each other. I&