
Showing posts from July, 2011


The thing about surprises is that you still need to be prepared to handle the suprise. I received a unexpected surprise that I longed for, so I at this moment should be blissfully stupid from love and being loved. Nope, instead, I am doing the same thing I do every weekend...karate,kids,dinner, t.v. So I had wanted to know what was up and waited patiently, my answer has been given to me.........SUPRISE!


For a while after my marriage ended, I was angry that I spent so much time into a marriage that was not successful. But after years of soul searchin, I learned to accept my X for who he is. We had a beautiful life together for a while and had 3 great kids whom we are both sharing in the raising of. I realized that the man he is in part is due to the parents he has and their lacking. So this holiday weekend, we barbqued and watched our kids play and sat and looked and movies and I told him of the man I love and he told me of his aspirations, it was a good weekend. I discussed his ever growing sisters roomer mill, which he assured me he will take care of, they spend more time yappin than hound dogs on the scent of somthing yummy, so as I asserted my independence of freedom from anger, his family and we work on staying the friends we were when we met, we sat as a mom and dad and watched our children.